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In all of my one on one packages my goal is to make sure that you will be successful in achieving the goals you set out to do. I offer 3 different packages to work with you in whatever suits your lifestyle and training habits.

All of the packages include a program tailored to your goals, frequency of training, and where this goal sits in your priority list. Your program will be adjusted once a month to tweak things that weren’t working or to progress to the next level now that you’ve achieved the goal of the previous program.

With each program you get free access to my homework club to help keep you accountable, get live answers to questions while you do your homework, and to give you the opportunity to train with other people.

In order to get started with your one on one training your first step will be to establish your handstand or flexibility goal. Once you know what it is I will need either photos or video of where you’re starting from.

If you don’t know what you want to work towards I would suggest trying out some of the classes first to get some clarity on what you’re trying to achieve.

I require a three month commitment once we start working together. After that we can switch to month to month, but the initial three months is key to building your habits, your routine, and your consistency. I want to make sure you achieve your goal as much as you want to achieve it.

Package A

This package includes one 45 min zoom session each month. At this session we will go over your program and troubleshoot anything that doesn’t make sense. I want to make sure that you’re practicing with proper technique and that you’re doing everything safely.

For Package A you must be self motivated and able to do your homework on your own at least two times a week. (I highly recommend coming to Homework Club to stay accountable. It really helps)

At the end of each week I will need you to send me a video of each exercise so that I can give you email feedback on your technique so that you don’t create bad habits.

Package B

This package includes one 45 min zoom session bi-weekly. At the first session of each month we will go over your program and troubleshoot anything that doesn’t make sense. At every other session we will go over the program together and I will give you feedback on your execution and make any tweaks necessary and potentially give you supplementary exercises if some of them aren’t fully making sense.

For Package B you will get more guidance and feedback then Package A. You will still be required to do your homework on your own at least two times a week. (Again, come to Homework Club to stay accountable. It’s so much easier to stay focused when you see other people on the screen doing the work.)

At the end of each week that you’re not doing a session with me I will need you to send me a video of each exercise so that I can give you email feedback. It helps if you just video yourself while you’re training. That way you can send me the best rep of each exercise.

Package C

This package includes one 45 min zoom session every week. Since I will be seeing you weekly, your progress will often happen much faster than the other two options. This means that if we need to tweak your program more often we have that opportunity while we’re working together.

Package C will get you to your goal the fastest and make sure that you’re doing your work at least once a week at our session. I still recommend doing your program an extra two days each week, but if life gets in the way at least you did your session. (Homework Club!)

For this package you are not required to send videos, but you are always welcome to send videos for feedback if you’re struggling with something. I will respond either at homework club if you’re attending, or via email by the next business day at noon.

For prices and to purchase any of the packages check out the STORE

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