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Advanced Handstands Series – Starts Aug 8

Advanced Handstands Series – Starts Aug 8

Join us for some quarantined Handstand training

While we are all practicing social distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID 19, we will be offering online classes to keep you on track for your handstand goals. We understand that this situation has made it so that some people are financially struggling, while others are still able to continue working. Therefore we are offering these classes on a sliding scale to accommodate as many situations as possible.

Class dates:

  • Aug 8 10am EDT
  • Aug 15 10am EDT
  • Aug 22 10am EDT
  • Aug 29 10am EDT

Pre-requisites for Intermediate:

For the intermediate handstand class you must be able to comfortably hold a 30 sec handstand away from the wall and be experienced at falling out of your handstand. If you’re not sure if you meet these pre-requisites please sign up for the intermediate class and ask the instructor at the end of the series if it would be appropriate for you to join the advanced class.

How it works

Please download zoom https://zoom.us/ and ensure you have a good internet connection before the start time of your scheduled class. Once you’ve registered, you will be sent a link that you can use for all 4 of the classes. Make sure you have enough space available in the room you will be using so that you won’t be hitting anything.

Class sizes are limited so be sure to register ahead of time to guarantee your spot

You must register by 7am Saturday August 8

All class times are EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

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Product Description

This is a 1 hour class geared towards advanced handbalancers. Each class we will do a quick and efficient warm up, and we will always finish off with an endurance exercise. The majority of the class will be working on goal specific exercises based on the focus of the series:

  • One Arm Handstands
  • Stalder Press to Handstand
  • Flags and side presses
This 4 week session we will be focusing on Flags and Side Presses

In addition to the class you will also have the opportunity to be a part of the Homework Club at no additional cost!

I will be hosting a zoom training session Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:30pm EDT. It’s a scheduled time where we can all do our training together and have some accountability. It also means that you can ask questions about your homework if you’re getting stuck LIVE because I will also be doing my training during that time. I only ask that you wait until I’m right side up before you ask 😉

Event Details

Day 1: August 08, 2020

Day 2: August 15, 2020

Day 3: August 22, 2020

Day 4: August 29, 2020

Start time: 09:00 a.m. EST

End time: 10:00 a.m. EST

Email: info@deflyingfitness.com